Was my ancestor a passenger on the Storm King Clipper?

Storm King in London


Was your ancestor an immigrant to Queensland (Qld.) on board the Storm King arriving Jan 1870

There were 5 visits of the storm King.

They were in 1868; 1870; 1871; 1872 & 1874.

The full passenger lists for these voyages are detailed in the Queensland Family History Society CD; Queensland Customs House Shipping 1852-1885: Passengers and Crew available on line.

The list that is available on this website is only for the 1870 arrival of the Storm King and is provided courtesy of QFHS and has been modified a little to make it easier to search.

Who was the most famous individual to come on that arrival?

For most of us, it is our own ancestor. For me it was Thomas Wood Hawson, hidden for years because of a typo in his name preventing me from finding him by a simple search on a resource such as this.

However, undoubtedly it was Alfred Midgely, engineer, Methodist minister, poet and a member of the legislative assembly in Queensland. It is also because of his journal that we know about the trip from England despite my GGF not having written anything. It also points out some of the information about events on board that did not make it in to the light of day of either the courts or the newspapers. Information not generally known for the last 148 years.


Please feel free to access this database courtesy of QFHS.

Please go to the list by clicking on this link!.

If you find your ancestor, let me know on my contact page.

If you are interested (in whatever way) of celebrating the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Storm King in Jan 1870, please sign up to receive more details

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